BECOMING is a trilogy of dance films, created by Stephanie Handjiiska, Kosta Karakashyan and Silvia Cherneva.

The first film INNER BLOOM tackles femininity through a surreal female protagonist who learns to be a woman in her own skin.
The second film SURRENDER highlights four of the most captivating Bulgarian male dancers (Krastyo Metodiev, Remi Toin, Nikola Hadjitanev & Svetoslav Seropyan) and lifts the curtain on who they are and why they dance. Combining their original performances with first-person documentary accounts, the film traces each man's personal relationship with dance to understand how it interacts with the idea of masculinity in Bulgarian society.
The last film CHISEL is a short poetic-documentary film that deals with the topic of learning, patience and perseverance in the process of growing and shaping character. The film was shot at the Stone Highchool in the village of Kunino and the stone quarry near it where young Bulgarian children are learning the craft of stone-making.

BECOMING is realised within Focus Screendance program with the support of National Culture Fund in Republic of Bulgaria.

Co-producers Man with a Hat Foundation, Studio Karakashyan, Grey Universe
Part of Focus Screendance program 2021
Funded by National Culture Fund Bulgaria
Supervising producer: Stephanie Handjiiska
Project Manager: Shirin Hodzheva